Finding Inner Peace this Christmas
"I can't wait for 2022 year to finish" I heard it many times this year. I agree too! It's been a hard year for many - illnesses, deaths of loved ones, financial problems. Then there is the noise from outside: the interest rate rises, inflation, climate change, wars and conflict. The 24 hour news cycle can be taxing on the mind. Coupled with people managing work and finances, struggling to find good employees can take their toll on the best of us. News seems to be about telling us all the bad stories. There is no good news channel about good people doing good things in this world.
So how do we keep our mind in equanimity?
It's a daily practice: shut out the noise, the news, the worry and find your inner peace.
Your inner peace is the stabilising power against all the chaos, the worry and the struggles. The mind craves order, happiness and security. It deceives us into believing that what we need is those three things. However, many people say that when they get to that point of order,happiness and security, "it feels empty". Why is that? Because this struggle in life is a function of the illusion of order and security. Achieving inner peace can happen even in the midst of disorder, misery and insecurity.
Focus on the real things: gratitude, focus, effort, love, compassion and joy. Those things are not found outside. They are inside, in your heart and in your home. Focus on your loved ones mainly your children, focus on your breath, focus on what you can control and don't worry about what you cannot control.
That's why we need Christmas!
To remind us of a transient life, to live in the present with those we love and to forgive and love our "neighbour". The neighbour could be our partner, our children, our siblings, our cousins, our friends, our competitive work colleagues and even our "enemies". Everyone one of us is trying to survive in our own way. In the midst of survival, stop and take it all in. There is only one reality: one day we are here and the next day we are not. Take in the spirit of Christmas and let the joy and love into your heart. Light a candle for your loved ones who passed away, give to those less fortunate and spend quality time with your children. You will feel inner peace.
The Money Intelligence Team wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.