To empower you to get your finances in order, we need to understand your personal goals. As a business owner, your personal life drives the direction of your business. Therefore, it’s important you strike a work-life balance. To do that, it’s essential you get your business finances organised – which is what we do best.
Getting your finances in order
When you work with us, you’ll quickly notice that we like to look at things from a holistic point of view. This allows us to see the full picture and service you in the best possible way. We will help you protect your personal assets, as well as your business IP (intellectual property). We will guide you through the future sale of your business so you pay the least/zero tax on the sale of your small business. We will also help you minimise your business taxes and use the business profits (legally) to pay down your home loan and build and protect your personal investments.
Our Services
Business finances
Just Compliance
Xero/MYOB Service
Business and Tax Structures Service
Personal finances
Property Investors Service
Investment Tax Structures and Advice
Lending and Finance Service
SMSF Service
Accounting and Administration
Focus on your creative work and we focus on the numbers
You’re a creative, driven person ready to build your personal wealth. But perhaps you don’t fully understand the numbers. If so, you’re in the right place. We take the time to understand our clients’ business. We are focused on helping small business owners in the design, architecture and creative industries make more profits, manage their finances more effectively and pay less tax.
It is possible to get excited about the numbers!
How we work with you
The Survey
We begin our partnership with you by getting you to complete a business survey to establish your business needs and goals. The survey gets you to think about your business and personal goals. Once we go through your answers, we will determine if we can help you and if we are a fit.
We want to work with people who want to grow and transform their financial lives. We offer you the skills and expertise we have built over the past 25 years to help you achieve freedom, independence and peace of mind.
The next step is to organise the business strategy workshop…
The business strategy workshop
We begin your financial organisation plan with a business strategy workshop. Our proactive, personal and focused approach gives you clarity on your current business situation, allowing you to work on a big picture plan for your business.
For small business owners Business and financial strategy session
The workshop covers the following:
Business and financial structures audit. We look at whether your legal structures are appropriate to your business and personal circumstances.
Financial management system audit. We look at your accounting systems and whether you need to upgrade your financial reporting systems. We also look at whether you need to create a budget and cash flow forecast for your business. We will recommend whatever is appropriate for your business so you can manage your business finances better.
Accounting and tax-service needs. We determine what accounting and tax service you need from us. We will also work out the service package that suits your business.
Contact us
Contact us to organise an initial 10 minute call
Money Intelligence Accounting Pty Ltd
Is a CPA firm founded by CPA Susan Wahhab and CPA Wendy Kayal. As CPA’s and tax agents, we provide accounting, tax and BAS reporting as well as tax and business advice.