Master Your Money Webinar


Here is the link to the webinar I recorded last night. Sorry I laughed couple of times while talking about money! I couldn’t help myself. I try to be a serious accountant!


The 3 Steps to transform your financial life: 1. Uncover Your Money Story and rewrite your story for a new vision 2. Take extreme ownership of your finances 3. Super Charge your money making skills Register in the Money Intelligence Course and change your financial life

Join me and do the Money Intelligence Course... Transform your financial life...

I would love you to join me on this journey with a small and intimate group of clients and non clients. My track record, 25 years in business as an accountant, financial adviser and money mentor is your guarantee that I will deliver world class financial transformation. I have already done this with hundreds of clients.

Here is a testimonial from one participant who did the course:

"I resisted doing Susan’s course for months because I actually believed nothing could help me except just more discipline. But after being in about $8500 of credit card debt for over 2 years, I’m happy to say that after implementing just a few of the money mindsets that Susan is teaching I was able to acknowledge my cycle with money and spending and am happy to say I am now $3000 away from being fully paying off my card (one pay check so one week away!) and have since reduced my credit limit from $9000 to $3000 which provided me with unexpected relief. I didn’t even utilise all the tips she gave, i.e. her comprehensive budget planner / but it has made a big difference. Thank you Susan" Lisa, Teacher

Invitation to Register...

The discounted fee for Singles is $798 and $1198 for couples for the 8 week course - which includes weekly group calls and 6 months support after the course. Bargain! Here is the link to register and find out more info on the course (you’re gonna love it!):

Once you register, I will need to spend 15-20 minutes on the phone/zoom with you to go through what you want to get out of the course so you can focus your energy on the outcome by the end of the 8 week course and the following 6 months. My mission is to get you on to the next phase of your life to secure your financial future. I will do my utmost to make this happen for you.

We are starting next week...

The course is starting next week from 18th June 2018. I will need to organize the one on one call to get you started latest Tuesday 19th June. Would love to hear from you soon!

Paying it forward...

I will be offering this course free of charge to one more person in need. I have one spot left. If you are a refugee, indigenous Australian, single mum/dad or life "dealt you a bad hand", please email me at and tell me your story and why you want to do this course so badly. I am the grand daughter of refugees and a migrant. I have heard the stories of my grand parents hardships and I know how hard it is. If you know anyone who is in need, please forward.

Yours in prosperity,

Susan Wahhab CPA
CPA | Financial Strategist | Money Mentor

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